Watchmen (Isaiah 62:6,7; Isaiah 52:8)
Chosen and Called (1 Peter 2:9)
The Perpetual Prayer Vigil (PPV) began on January 1, 2019, to answer a call from God to pray for unity in the Body of Christ without ceasing. PPV is fueled by believers willing to commit to a daily time of prayer, with the goal of having each hour covered in prayer by multiple people (Watchmen). Prayers for pastors and for the lost were added to this assignment in 2020. Below and on the Daily Resources page there is an overview, followed by sample prayers and scriptures for meditation to use as you are led by the Holy Spirit during your assigned prayer time. This guide is a foundation so that we pray as one, especially in our prayers for unity, pastors and the lost, but it is not required in its entirety daily. We are “Watchmen on the Wall” together! Praise be to God!
1. Gifts of God the Father, Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit
2. The Blood of Jesus
3. Authority
4. Spiritual Weapons
"When you pray, you are present in the throne room of heaven-the nerve center of the universe. You do not have to enter prayer alone. Jesus and the Holy Spirit are intercessors with you. The Holy Spirit helps you know what to pray and how to pray. He guides your praying according to the will of God. He already knows what God wants to give or do. His job is to guide you in praying in that direction."
-Henry Blackaby, Experiencing God