Let's focus our prayers on the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. Watchmen take time daily this month to pray for schools in your neighborhoods, where a friend or family member may work or attend, etc. More specifically, pray for teachers, principals, students, parents, administration, staff, safety, and food programs.
Additionally, continue to focus on Unity, Pastors( and ministry leaders), Salvation, and the Nations. We have several pastors and ministry leaders who are PPV watchmen who we can cover DAILY. They are....1.Pastor Katherine Coleman(Chazown Church) 2.Pastor Jacqueline West(Abundant Life Christian Church in Cincinnati) 3.Missionary Phyllis Greene (her husband Pastor Jerome Greene, Crown of Glory Church) 4. Elder Charlene Jones(husband Leon, Grace New Covenant Church ) 5. Elder Aaron Layton(Wife Gretchen. Refresh Community Church) 6.Elder Milton Mitchell, Jr.(wife Angelica. Fresh Winds Christian Church) 7.Elder James Donegan(Believers Temple) 8.Deaconess Cassandra Brookfield(Global Family Prayer) 9.Claude and Debbie Bennett( Heaven on Earth Ministries, One City Won) 10.Irma Ortiz( husband Hector. One City Won) 11. Bethany Spaulding (One City Won) 12. Kenneth and Thelma Bryant(Perpetual Prayer Vigil)

As you know, Each month you will receive the name of the leader of the nation and specific prayer targets for the nation in our monthly PPV blog. As always, please remember you have the liberty to be led by our Holy Spirit during your prayer time for the nations. Our monthly prayers will be based on the following scriptures: 1 Timothy 2:1, 2…..Matthew 28:18-20…. Matthew 24:14
These are the general prayer targets for the nations every day, in the mighty name of Jesus:
1. Father God, we ask for OPEN HANDS to minister the gospel (Proverbs 2:20)
2. Father God, we ask for OPEN DOORS to spread the gospel (Colossians 4:2,3)
3. Father God, we ask for OPEN MINDS to receive the gospel (Acts 26:17,18)
4. Father God, we ask for OPEN HEARTS to embrace the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:6)
5. Father God, we ask for OPEN HEAVENS so the gospel will transform nations(Isaiah 45:8)
For the month of August, the nation to pray for is China. The President is Xi Jinping :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xi_Jinping
Specific Prayers for China
The "Vision for China" vision is to see China and the World reached with the gospel by
1. Evangelize the lost thru bold gospel proclamation
2.Establish indigenous local Christian church plants
3.Elevate the Glory of God in everything we do by the power of the Holy Spirit
Corporate Prayer Time
Our August Corporate Prayer time will be Sunday August 18 from 3-5pm at my home and online....We will fast as led from 9am -5pm...will focus on our PPV target areas and we will take communion at the end of our prayer time together. Please plan to join us even if only for 30-60 minutes....Corporate prayer is POWERFUL as the word says in Matthew 18:18-20. Details to join us in person will be emailed, so join our email list today by becoming a member on the website. To join us online use the zoom info below.
Connect on Zoom at https://rebrand.ly/PPVZoom OR
Dial 1.312.626.6799
Meeting ID: 891 0387 8809
Pass code: 419278
Global Family Prayer
On Friday February 2 we celebrated our one year anniversary of being on the GLOBAL FAMILY PRAYER platform! It has been AMAZING to pray with people from all over this country(Pennsylvania, Boston, Cincinnati, Houston, New York,etc) and especially ALL OVER THE WORLD(India, Pakistan, Australia, Uganda, China,Ghana, Kenya, etc) Please make a special effort to join us @ 4am with us.
Below is a link that can connect you with our PPV hour of prayer with Global Family Prayer every Friday morning at 4am (CST). The best way for you to join this prayer time is by signing up for eventbrite so that you will be notified when the zoom link for the event changes as well as speakers during the church hours etc. It is important to note that the direct zoom link should NEVER be shared publicly. However you may share the link below with others.
Global Family Prayer Link: https://mailchi.mp/globalfamily24-7prayer/register
*If you have any questions please email Thelma Bryant fahlo1c1313@gmail.com
"Our Battle"
After a cruel attack on the life of a young man on the parking lot of Calvary Bible Church in Florissant, MO a committed group of pastors decided to come together to Pray and stand against the attacks of the enemy on our city, state, country, and world. We believe this monthly gathering is evidence of the prayers that have been going forth in out city to "tear down wickedness, raise up righteousness, and bring healing to our land." As believers we have the spiritual authority and faith filled prayer is a God ordained way for us to exercise that authority. In support of this prayer gathering please join us as "we pray heaven to earth" (Matthew 6:10).
For details about upcoming meetings visit www.operationstl.com
Check It Out!
Below is the link to a YOUTUBE video of a powerful story that will change your perspective about the impact you can have on this earth for the kingdom of God if only you SUBMIT, LISTEN, AND OBEY as "watchmen on the wall":