Dear God, we come before You today with a heart of thanksgiving for all fathers in the world. Thank you, Father, for designing fathers to be the pillar of support in families, the breadwinners, and the essential support in child-rearing. Whether they have been good or bad fathers, may we find it in our hearts to forgive them because no one is perfect. You always have a reason for creating families the way they are, and every father in every household has been placed there according to Your will.
We also pray for all single fathers out there. Thank You for their strength, for their perseverance, and love to raise their children despite the difficulty they faced in parenthood. We ask that God, bless them with wisdom, discernment, protection for their health, and faith in You to become even better fathers for their children.
We pray for the distant fathers who have been alienated from their children because of their jobs or due to other circumstances. Father, please change them and allow them to see how they can build a healthy relationship with their children. Remove all barriers that prevent their union, Lord. For fathers that are serving on the frontlines, we ask God that Your sovereign hand be upon them and protect them from all things that may harm or threaten their lives. Grant them the chance to reunite with their families one day. Finally, we pray for all soon-to-be dads or new dads. We pray that they will follow in Your footsteps for God, You are their greatest role model as a father. May they grow to become more and more Christ-like each day, leading their household to draw closer to You. Remove all fear and worries that they have about fatherhood, and let them focus on Your faithfulness and providence for them.
We lift all fathers in the world to You. Work in them oh Lord to be who You want them to be. Amen.
-Kor Adana (Christian.net)
What a mighty God we serve!!!! We have seen the power of corporate prayer happening ALL over this world….on every continent…in every nation…THE HOLY SPIRIT IS MOVING MIGHTILY because GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN US….than the enemy is in this world! National Day of Prayer…10 Days of Prayer….Global Family Prayer…are just a few examples of God’s strategic prayer platforms and God has divinely connected PPV to all three!!!! What a privilege and an honor!!!! So be encouraged….as PPV Watchmen, you are all a part of God’s strategy to bring “heaven to earth “ thru effectual, fervent, perpetual prayers!!! James 5:16-18 is THE TRUTH FOR ALL OF US….in the mighty name of Jesus!

As you know, Each month you will receive the name of the leader of the nation and specific prayer targets for the nation in our monthly PPV blog. As always, please remember you have the liberty to be led by our Holy Spirit during your prayer time for the nations. Our monthly prayers will be based on the following scriptures: 1 Timothy 2:1, 2…..Matthew 28:18-20…. Matthew 24:14
These are the general prayer targets for the nations every day, in the mighty name of Jesus:
1. Father God, we ask for OPEN HANDS to minister the gospel (Proverbs 2:20)
2. Father God, we ask for OPEN DOORS to spread the gospel (Colossians 4:2,3)
3. Father God, we ask for OPEN MINDS to receive the gospel (Acts 26:17,18)
4. Father God, we ask for OPEN HEARTS to embrace the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:6)
5. Father God, we ask for OPEN HEAVENS so the gospel will transform nations(Isaiah 45:8)
For the month of June, the nation to pray for is Russia. The President is Vladimir Putin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Putin
Specific prayers for Russia
Pray for those struggling with addiction and poverty to find hope in Jesus.
Pray for Christian denominations to unite in love and service to Jesus.
Pray for women facing unplanned pregnancies to reject abortion and receive support.
Pray for Russians to seek Christ's peace, truth, and justice in international conflict.
Watchmen's Word presented by Grace For Purpose Prayers
Corporate Prayer Time
Corporate prayer time will be Sunday June 23rd 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Please fast as led from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Details to join us in person will be emailed, so join our email list today by becoming a member on the website. To join us online use the zoom info below.
Connect on Zoom at https://rebrand.ly/PPVZoom OR
Dial 1.312.626.6799
Meeting ID: 891 0387 8809
Pass code: 419278
Global Family Prayer
On Friday February 2 we celebrated our one year anniversary of being on the GLOBAL FAMILY PRAYER platform! It has been AMAZING to pray with people from all over this country(Pennsylvania, Boston, Cincinnati, Houston, New York,etc) and especially ALL OVER THE WORLD(India, Pakistan, Australia, Uganda, China,Ghana, Kenya, etc) Please make a special effort to join us @ 4am with us.
Below is a link that can connect you with our PPV hour of prayer with Global Family Prayer every Friday morning at 4am (CST). The best way for you to join this prayer time is by signing up for eventbrite so that you will be notified when the zoom link for the event changes as well as speakers during the church hours etc. It is important to note that the direct zoom link should NEVER be shared publicly. However you may share the link below with others.
Global Family Prayer Link: https://mailchi.mp/globalfamily24-7prayer/register
*If you have any questions please email Thelma Bryant fahlo1c1313@gmail.com
"Our Battle"
After a cruel attack on the life of a young man on the parking lot of Calvary Bible Church in Florissant, MO a committed group of pastors decided to come together to Pray and stand against the attacks of the enemy on our city, state, country, and world. We believe this monthly gathering is evidence of the prayers that have been going forth in out city to "tear down wickedness, raise up righteousness, and bring healing to our land." As believers we have the spiritual authority and faith filled prayer is a God ordained way for us to exercise that authority. In support of this prayer gathering please join us as "we pray heaven to earth" (Matthew 6:10).
For details about upcoming meetings visit www.operationstl.com
Check It Out!
Below is the link to a powerful YOUTUBE video that will help you start your day with effective prayer and encourage you as "watchmen on the wall":