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October 2023



Perpetual Prayer Vigil(PPV) began on January 1, 2019 as an answer to the call of God to literally pray for unity in the local and global Body of Christ without ceasing according to 1 Thessalonians 5:17 until Jesus returns.

VISION……To see the manifestation of what Jesus prayed for the church in John 17:20-23 thru local and global prayer and intercession by Believers within the Body of Christ

MISSION…..For believers (men, women and children) to pray fervently and effectively without ceasing for UNITY within the local and global Body of Christ, for PASTORS and church leaders and for those who are LOST and need salvation

STRATEGY….Thru Word based, focused, targeted, fervent and effective prayers by committed believers( watchmen/gatekeepers/intercessors) every hour of every day is covered in prayer by multiple watchmen until Jesus returns for His Bride, The Church, “without spot or blemish” Ephesians 5:26,27


We are born again, Spirit filled children of God and we are honored to be chosen for this assignment to be Watchmen on the wall according to Isaiah 62:6,7. We are committed to be led by the Spirit of God as we engage in our hour of prayer. We will be steadfast and immovable knowing that our enemy is a defeated foe and that the effectual, fervent prayers of a child of God are powerful, dynamic and transformational according to James 5:16-18. Our prayer is for God’s Kingdom to come and His precious and perfect Will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. AMEN

Watchmen's Word presented by Jericho Walls International Prayer Network

Watchmen's Reflection (feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section located at the bottom of this page.)

  1. Take time right now to say the PPV Confession highlighted above.

  2. Reach out to at least two people who are potentially called to be a watchman and share the vision, mission, and strategy of PPV.


Corporate Prayer Time

Corporate prayer will be Sunday October 15th from 4-5:30 p.m in person and online. Details to join us in person will be emailed, so join our email list today by becoming a member on the website. To join us online use the zoom info below. Our time together will include praise, prayer, communion, and conclude with fellowship and light refreshments. Please join us for this time of community and stay as long or as briefly as your schedule allows.

Connect on Zoom at OR

Dial 1.312.626.6799

Meeting ID: 891 0387 8809

Pass code: 419278

Global Family Prayer

*If your PPV Prayer time is during the early morning hours ( between 3:00 A.M.-6:00 A.M.), please consider joining us on our Global platform. We have had intercessors on our "hour of power" from Uganda, Singapore, and Ireland! How encouraging it is to know that there are "watchmen on the wall" all over the world (Isaiah 62:6,7)!!*

Below is a link that can connect you with our PPV hour of prayer with Global Family Prayer every Friday morning at 4am (CST) beginning February 3rd. The best way for you to join this prayer time is by signing up for eventbrite so that you will be notified when the zoom link for the event changes as well as speakers during the church hours etc. It is important to note that the direct zoom link should NEVER be shared publicly. However you may share the eventbrite link below with others.

*If you have any questions please email Thelma Bryant

"Our Battle"

Our Battle will resume Friday October 6th @ 6:00 pm at Calvary Bible Church 825 Graham Road 63031

After a cruel attack on the life of a young man on the parking lot of Calvary Bible Church in Florissant, MO a committed group of pastors decided to come together on the 2nd Friday of every month to Pray and stand against the attacks of the enemy on our city, state, country, and world. We believe this monthly gathering is evidence of the prayers that have been going forth in out city to "tear down wickedness, raise up righteousness, and bring healing to our land." As believers we have the spiritual authority and faith filled prayer is a God ordained way for us to exercise that authority. In support of this prayer gathering please join us as "we pray heaven to earth" (Matthew 6:10).

Check It Out!

Below is the link to a powerful YOUTUBE video that will help you start your day with effective prayer and encourage you as "watchmen on the wall":


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